UltraHA-CWS 1g


Sodium Hyaluronate
(nízká a vysoká molekula)

Dávkování : 0,1%.. 1g rozpustit v 1L vody 

Dostupnost Skladem
99 Kč    
Kód produktu 4779
Kategorie Doplňky, Vitamíny a Hotové produkty

Sodium hyaluronate (HA) is a natural mucopolysaccharide that is widely found in the human body. HA has a unique role in skin moisturizing and joint lubrication, but because of its macromolecular polysaccharide structure, it often encounters the problem of slow dissolution speed, especially in various foods. The new HA-CWS, developed to solve the problem of HA dissolution, has the advantages of instant cold water and multi-system application. 

Health food: usually in combination with Collagen, Vitamins, Chondroitin Sulfate, or Glucosamine to make tablets, capsules or oral liquid these popular forms.

Industrial drinks, ready-made tea and coffee, dairy products, solid drinks, tablets, etc.

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